The application is available for download as either
a Microsoft Word file (.docx) or as a Portable Document File (.pdf).
The Word document may be downloaded then edited using Google Docs.
The PDF may be downloaded and edited using the PDF Text Insert feature.
Questions? Contact upperallenwomansclubgfwc@gmail.com.
The Upper Allen Woman’s Club Foundation will present a $1,000 scholarship to a woman who is returning to school to improve her life and the community in which she lives. To be eligible for the scholarship, the applicant must be a resident of the Mechanicsburg Area School District, there must have been at least a two-year lapse in time between the applicant’s high school graduation or obtainment of G.E.D. and must have been officially accepted by an institution of higher study, business school, trade school, or other accredited school. The scholarship will be presented to the recipient in January of the year following the application deadline and will be payable to the accredited school that will be attended.​
Application Deadline:The applicant must complete the attached application and return the application to the Upper Allen Woman’s Club Scholarship Committee by October 1.