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Mechanicsburg Area School District


Each year the Upper Allen Woman's Club Foundation offers multiple $2,500 scholarships to Mechanicsburg High School seniors. Working with the Mechanicsburg Senior High guidance counselors, a committee of club members selects the recipients. The Upper Allen Woman’s Club GFWC also gives eleven $150 awards (one for each subject area). Department teachers select the recipient. The scholarship/awards are then presented at the May awards evening.

Upper Allen Woman's Club GFWC and the Upper Allen Woman’s Club Foundation jointly present the Mechanicsburg Middle School Award to a female eighth grade student at the end of the first, second, and third marking periods.  The recipient of this award is selected by members of the middle school staff on the basis of her academic achievement, improvement, and participation in extracurricular activities. She receives a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble from the club and a plaque from the foundation.  The winner and her parents are invited to attend the general meeting immediately following the end of the marking period.


The Upper Allen Woman’s Club Foundation will present a $1,000 scholarship to a woman who is returning to school to improve her life and the community in which she lives. To be eligible for the scholarship, the applicant must be a resident of the Mechanicsburg Area School District, there must have been at least a two-year lapse in time between the applicant’s high school graduation or obtainment of G.E.D. and must have been officially accepted by an institution of higher study, business school, trade school, or other accredited school. The scholarship will be presented to the recipient in January of the year following the application deadline and will be payable to the accredited school that will be attended.​


Application Deadline: The applicant must complete the attached application and return the application to the Upper Allen Woman’s Club Scholarship Committee by October 1, 2024.


Applications due by April 15, 2024

Graduation Girls


Are you a MASH senior, parent, grandparent, friend, or neighbor of a MASH senior? The Upper Allen Woman’s Club Foundation Scholarship application has just been released. This year the club is awarding two $2,500 scholarships to 1) a senior who has been accepted by an institution of higher study, and 2) to a senior who plans to earn an associate's degree, diploma or certificate at a trade or technical school or community college. Seniors must also meet the criteria outlined in the scholarship application form. Students may view the scholarship application form through the counseling resources of Mechanicsburg High School or by viewing the actual application form below. The application form can be downloaded, completed, and printed for submission. Applications are due no later than April 15. Over the past years, the UAWC Foundation has awarded over $28,000 to students.


The Upper Allen Woman's Club GFWC and the Upper Allen Woman's Club Foundation presented eleven subject awards and two scholarships at the annual Senior Awards Night in May.

$150 was presented to each of the subject award winners from the Upper Allen Woman’s Club GFWC. The two $2,500 scholarships were presented from the Upper Allen Woman’s Club Foundation.


The following students were honored with Subject Awards from Upper Allen Woman’s Club: 

Health, Safety & Physical Education – Benjamin Wenger

Business & Information Technology – Sybella DeMaio 

Tech Education – Taylor Murlatt

Family and Consumer Sciences – Andrew Stauffer

Science – Courtney Foose

English – Sophia Goss

Mathematics - Talitha Bunch

Social Studies – Ben Rhodes

Art – Kyla Mitchell 

Music – McKenna Rahn

World Languages – Nathan Seibert


Upper Allen Woman’s Club Foundation 2024 Scholarship Recipients:

Emily Hammaker and Madeline Hoover


Checks in the amount of $2,500 each will be mailed to their respective colleges on behalf of Drew and Madeline.




Latest Stories


The Upper Allen Woman's Club GFWC presents the Mechanicsburg Middle School Award quarterly to a female student who consistently strives for academic improvement, achievement, and participation in extracurricular activities.



November 2024

Naomi White, an eighth grade student at the Mechanicsburg Middle School, was recognized as the recipient of the Mechanicsburg Middle School Award from the Upper Allen Woman’s Club . Naomi's favorite subject is Math and she participates in Jazz Band in school. She also keeps active with playing the piano, jazz and contemporary dance, reading (The Hunger Games and  Unbroken are current favorites), and hanging out with friends.

She was presented a certificate and a Barnes and Noble gift card by Upper Allen Woman's Club member Bonnie Ritchey with the quarterly Mechanicsburg Middle School Award for academic improvement, achievement, and participation in extracurricular activities. 
Congratulations, Naomi.

Photo, from left:  Student of the Quarter Naomi White and club member Bonnie Ritchey.





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January 2024

Emily Miller, an eighth-grade student at the Mechanicsburg Middle School, was recognized as the recipient of the Mechanicsburg Middle School Award from the Upper Allen Woman’s Club GFWC at their February meeting. This award is presented quarterly to a female student who consistently strives for academic improvement, achievement, and participation in extracurricular activities. She was presented a certificate and a Barnes and Noble gift card. Congratulations, Emily!

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April 2024

Congratulations to Alexis Pancoast, an 8th grader at Mechanicsburg Middle School, who received the Middle School Award from the Upper Allen Woman's Club GFWC in April. This award is presented quarterly to a female student who consistently strives for academic improvement, achievement, and participation in extracurricular activities. 
Alexis received a certificate of recognition and a gift card to Barnes & Noble book store. Congratulations, Alexis!


Pictured from Left:  Club member Keni Melphis, Alexis and her parents.

President's Project

President’s Project for the Upper Allen Woman’s Club 2024-2026 – Honoring Female First Responders in Upper Allen Township –


UAWC President Jacquie Hower and Ciara Shay, Paramedic with Penn State Health Life Lion, LLC

EMS has historically been a male dominated field, but there is a recent shift, and more women are joining this important career path. As members of the UAWC, we are excited to not only honor some of these amazing women who are serving right here in our community, but to share their stories as well.


At Monday’s November General Meeting, Upper Allen Woman's Club GFWC honored our Female First Responders in Upper Allen Township. Ciara Shay was recognized as our first recipient by UAWC President Jacquie Hower. Ciara was given a gift bag including adult coloring book and colored pencils from Zimmerman's Automotive, The Cracked Pot Coffee Shop gift card, gift certificate from hair salon Roots,  and a spa kit.


Parents often wonder if their words and lives are making a difference in their children, but for Ciara, it was the places her parents went to work and serve every day, and the stories around the dinner table, that brought her to where she is today. Both of her parents started in fire/EMS when they were 16, and both still work in the medical field. Ciara credits their nurture and guidance as pivotal while growing up, throughout her schooling, and during all the rough days. They even encouraged her through several career changes until she landed right back where she had started as a junior member of her local EMS company in Juniata at age 14. While her initial plan to be a special forces helicopter pilot in the Army did not work out due to a medical problem, and medical school didn’t feel like the perfect fit, coming back to pursue her paramedic certification and landing a job here in Upper Allen Township feels just right. She has been here since May 2019 and works for Penn State Health Life Lion, LLC.


Ciara credits God for setting her on the perfect path that is so much greater than any path she could have set for herself. She thanks her parents for their continued support and guidance, and her husband for being there through long workdays, and emotionally supporting her on the draining days. She encourages young women who want to pursue this route to find great mentors who can give you the best training and advice. For her, this was her capstone preceptor during paramedic school, Ben Specht. He not only stood with her as a new and maybe fairly cocky paramedic but continues to be a solid sounding board when she needs honest advice.


The biggest joys in her career have been knowing that she often gets to play a small part in making a difference in someone’s life. Sometimes that means treating a person who is critically ill and keeping them alive long enough to get them to the hospital, or just holding someone’s hand who is having a really bad day. Getting to hug someone that you saved gives her a joy that can’t be adequately expressed. She has been able to meet two cardiac arrest survivors that she helped care for, and the one baby that she has helped deliver in her career thus far. These experiences are why she does what she does, and what keeps her going each and every day.


UAWC honors Ciara and thanks her for her service to our community.

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